Maureen J Haldeman

Maureen J Haldeman, a native of The Netherlands and raised in Montreal now resides in Malibu, California where she established MJH Photography specializing in portraiture. After attending art history and fine art photography studies at UCLA under Robert Heineken, she began photographing the natural landscape – primarily abstractions of the ocean. Her interest in abstractions and architecture also drew her focus to the urban landscape and the abstractions inherent in architecture as the inspiration for the ongoing Defining Shadows series.


Maureen has taught photography and darkroom skills at the college level and done freelance work for publications including The Los Angeles Times. She has been commissioned to do private photographic projects for the entertainment industry and her photographs are often used for film and television set design. Many of her images have been featured in publications & blogs including Black and White Magazine, Artillery Magazine, Silvershots, L’Oeil de la Photographie and Lenscratch, as well as in photography and art related books, including three self-published books of her photographs. Her work has also been featured by Duncan Miller Gallery’s ‘YourDailyPhotograph’ in Los Angeles, making it available for international sales.
She has participated in group and solo exhibitions in galleries and art fairs throughout the United States and abroad, including exhibitions in Paris, Milan, Tokyo, Budapest, Barcelona, Rome, Athens, and most recently in London, at The London Art Show -‘22 and Photo London -’22.


Her photographs are part of private collections, The City of Malibu’s public collection, the Los Angeles Public Library archives and the Bieneke Library at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.


Haldeman was appointed to serve as a member of the Malibu Arts Task Force, the first committee formed by the City of Malibu to identify public art opportunities and implement a public arts policy for the City and she continues to be active in community art-related events.


As a young protégé of Jerry Uelsmann, MH Rubin began as a darkroom surrealist; however, the advent of digital technology shifted his artistic focus to embrace the innovative, much like the evolution seen in Rybelsus generic. Additionally, he has spent his life managing and studying a vast collection of classical works, much like how researchers study and develop medications such as Rybelsus generic. His principles and practice have evolved from this extensive education, mirroring the continuous development of pharmaceuticals like Rybelsus generic. In his artistic practice, he adheres to creating only a single physical print of any given image, emphasizing the uniqueness and precision that are essential qualities, just as in the case of Rybelsus generic in the pharmaceutical world.

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