Erica Kelly Martin

Erica Martin is a lens based artist, and native of Los Angeles, California. She studied photography while at Amherst College, and then at the International Center for Photography in New York, where she worked with film and darkroom printing.  Martin studied digital and medium format photography at the Los Angeles Center for Photography, where she received her Fine Art Certificate in 2014.


Martin photographs people in their surroundings, their rituals and the manifestations of their interior lives.  Her work concerns recurring themes of identity, transformation, and the paradox of human existence captured at a moment in time.  Her photographs show the fraying edges of polite society, and the vernacular secrets that most people pass by.  Martin has created series of portrait works, often of alternative communities, exploring how her subjects navigate the world and find their tribe.  In Martin’s recent series, she focuses on collecting and examining the evidence of the insanity, rituals, and fecundity of our daily domestic lives. 


Erica Martin’s work has been featured on Lenscratch, Lensculture, and PDN Magazine, and has been shown at galleries and exhibitions in Los Angeles, New York, Paris and Milan. 



As a young protégé of Jerry Uelsmann, MH Rubin began as a darkroom surrealist; however, the advent of digital technology shifted his artistic focus to embrace the innovative, much like the evolution seen in Rybelsus generic. Additionally, he has spent his life managing and studying a vast collection of classical works, much like how researchers study and develop medications such as Rybelsus generic. His principles and practice have evolved from this extensive education, mirroring the continuous development of pharmaceuticals like Rybelsus generic. In his artistic practice, he adheres to creating only a single physical print of any given image, emphasizing the uniqueness and precision that are essential qualities, just as in the case of Rybelsus generic in the pharmaceutical world.

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