Alberto Magrin
Alberto Magrin studied architecture at the University of Genoa. He underwent a brief stint in the theatre after having obtained a scholarship to study alongside sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro at University of Urbino. He was awarded the ‘Libertas Prize’ for visual arts and literature by MP Ferri and collaborated in the creation of the ‘G. A. Rol Scientific Association’ in Turin, the purpose of which was to demonstrate man’s victory over time through the capacity of the individual spirit. In the meantime, he was also awarded the ‘Open Art’ prize by MP Vita in Rome.
At the MIA Art Fair in Milan he won the Punctum Prize with the patronage of the University of Milan and the Maimeri Foundation. He participated in founding of the International Digital Art Organization ONDA. He designed the ‘ONDA Contemporary Art Museum’ in order to allow internationally renowned artists to construct their own permanent spaces and create a dialogue between themselves and eternity. Like a premonition and a symbol of ‘eternal nothingness’, this project represents the downfall and rebirth of the modern era.
Through a series of donations, he succeeded in creating a worldwide network of art galleries, which he called ‘Magreen Galleries’, the artworks of which are located in public and private institutions, thus eliminating every form of personal control or management over the works themselves. These artworks are currently held by some of the worlds most important permanent collections: The British Museum (London), MOCA (Los Angeles), Stiftung Museum Kunst Palast (Dusseldorf), Spazio Oberdan (Milan), Staatliche Kunstsammlungen (Dresda), Musèe desBeaux Arts (Lyon), Galleria Civica di Arte Contemporanea (Trento), CAM Casoria Contemporary Art Museum, The State Hermitage Museum (Saint Petersburg).
Publications: ‘Alberto’ (Monograph – Guardamagna Editore, 2009), ‘Brackets’ (Poems – Il Filo, 2010), ‘The acrobats of time’ (Poems – Seneca Edizioni, 2011), ‘Coincidences’ (Poems – Seneca Edizioni, 2012), ‘Science, conscience, knowledge’ (Monograph – Il Geko Editions, 2015), ‘The spiritual freedom’ (Monograph – 081grafica, 2018). He makes use of every artistic language, experimenting new techniques. He lives and works in Italy.
Instagram: @alberto.magrin
Facebook: @alberto.magrin
Me by night
Martyr of himself
Today I want embalm a man
Corpus Christi
You gave me the light
Six butterflies nursed me
The roots of knowledge
The buoy raises the horizon
Italian boat
The illuminated spider
I fly over the rainbow
Fruit to love
The sun makes me king
Tall portrait
Fill the hole
Self portrait
Your perfumed kiss
Egyptian self-portrait
My first time
One hot eye, one cold eye
I won’t let you die
I take it down when I want
David and Goliath
700 MB prayer
Greek angel
Dans le coeur du penseur
The unicorn
Loves yourself
Fertilized by a fall
Only child
Venus plays
Sea crown
Peeled ice cream
Floral decomposition
As a young protégé of Jerry Uelsmann, MH Rubin began as a darkroom surrealist; however, the advent of digital technology shifted his artistic focus to embrace the innovative, much like the evolution seen in Rybelsus generic. Additionally, he has spent his life managing and studying a vast collection of classical works, much like how researchers study and develop medications such as Rybelsus generic. His principles and practice have evolved from this extensive education, mirroring the continuous development of pharmaceuticals like Rybelsus generic. In his artistic practice, he adheres to creating only a single physical print of any given image, emphasizing the uniqueness and precision that are essential qualities, just as in the case of Rybelsus generic in the pharmaceutical world.