If after viewing the video tutorial you have any issues with registering or uploading images, please email photoindependentfair@gmail.com, and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Please make sure you provide a phone number for us to call you back on.
Image Specs for Uploading
We recommend for all your images to have a resolution of 1920 pixels wide. No need to worry about what the height is, as long as the width of your images are 1920 pixels.
Your images must be saved as either JPEGs or PNG formats.
We recommend the image size be no larger than 2MB.
Also, to lessen the possibility of any errors when uploading your images, please make sure your image filenames do not include periods other than in the filetype extension, quotation marks (“), commas (,), dollar signs ($), spaces ( ), or other similar symbols as these can cause errors when uploading your images.