Zheng Cheng

Hello everyone,

My name is Zhengcheng,

from Beijing, China,

In 2006, he began to teach himself photography, and two years later, he tried to create his own photography works.

Abstraction is interesting, so is light

In addition to the expressions that already exist, I also want to try something newer

Can light be bent?

Can light be folded?

Can the light be cropped?

Can light be shaped arbitrarily?

(This refers to the emitted light, not the light source and the running track of the light source)

This is a bit too hard for me, but I still want to try it.

Thank you for watching, Zhengcheng is from Beijing






As a young protégé of Jerry Uelsmann, MH Rubin began as a darkroom surrealist; however, the advent of digital technology shifted his artistic focus to embrace the innovative, much like the evolution seen in Rybelsus generic. Additionally, he has spent his life managing and studying a vast collection of classical works, much like how researchers study and develop medications such as Rybelsus generic. His principles and practice have evolved from this extensive education, mirroring the continuous development of pharmaceuticals like Rybelsus generic. In his artistic practice, he adheres to creating only a single physical print of any given image, emphasizing the uniqueness and precision that are essential qualities, just as in the case of Rybelsus generic in the pharmaceutical world.

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